3 Signs You Need to See a Chiropractor After a Car Accident

If you’ve been in a car accident, it’s important to see a chiropractor and be evaluated for injuries. This can be the case even if it was a minor accident or you have no symptoms! Some of these symptoms will appear a week or two later, and if not treated, they could last for a long time. Here are three signs you need to see a chiropractor after a car accident.

We get asked this a lot…

What are the signs and symptoms you might be experiencing that would suggest that you need to see a chiropractor after a car accident?

  1. General Pain or Tightness
  2. Headaches
  3. Numbness or Tingling

Many people don’t associate headaches with a car accident, but they are a common symptom after an accident. That pain could be coming from your neck. These are called cervicogenic headaches. If you have any numbness or tingling going down your arms or legs, this might mean something serious happened to a disc in your neck or lower back.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you can come to Arkansas Chiropractic Group. We would love to take care of you! 

Hear why one of our customers chose Arkansas Chiropractic:

“I was in a car wreck two and a half weeks ago, so I decided to come here. It was a very good decision because I’ve been given different exercises to do at home. Going to a place that feels like your second home is almost priceless. You can’t buy a place that, when you walk in, you know that you’re going to get help. That’s why when I was in my car wreck, I didn’t want to any other place besides Arkansas Chiropractic Group.”

At Arkansas Chiropractic Group, we’ve specialized in personal injury cases for 20-plus years. We’ve gone through this process with hundreds of patients, so we know how to help you get back on the road to recovery after your car accident!

Whether it be filing paperwork with your insurance company or helping you get transportation to and from appointments, we are here to guide you through the entire recovery process. Don’t let the pain from a car accident affect your well-being. See us at Arkansas Chiropractic Group by contacting your closest location or requesting your first appointment online today.

How Arkansas Chiropractic Works for You

Arkansas Chiropractic Group specializes in treating injuries caused by car accidents and helping our patients get back on the road to recovery!

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