Frequently Asked Questions

What will this cost me?

In many cases, it may not cost you anything. Being injured in a car accident is frustrating, and being in pain can be frightening, especially if it involves your neck or back. Arkansas Chiropractic Group will help you find the relief you need with no payment upfront. We will help you contact the auto insurer involved with your case and get you on the road to recovery.

How long will it take?

Typical treatment takes between four to six weeks, but each individual case is different. We are usually able to estimate the length of your treatment during your first visit. Some patients experience such significant symptom relief that they choose long-term chiropractic care!

Do you take cases that aren’t related to car accidents?

Yes, we do, but the majority of our patients come to us because they have been injured in a wreck and their treatment is covered by major auto insurance. However, we do treat people who are experiencing pain or suffering injuries, such as those related to physically demanding jobs. You may be required to pay out of pocket at the time of your treatment for services not covered by insurance. Please contact your clinic to speak with a staff member about your unique situation. 

What happens during my first visit?

During your first visit, your doctor will gather your medical history and conduct orthopedic, physical, and neurological examinations. We will assess your posture, joint motion, reflexes, muscle strength, and your spine. Depending upon why you’re visiting our clinic, your doctor may use an x-ray or some other kind of diagnostic image to locate problems or determine if your case is better-suited for a different kind of healthcare expert. We will evaluate your individual needs and customize a treatment plan that will get you on the road to recovery as soon as possible!

What will happen during treatment?

During a typical visit, you will sign in before going to a private exam room. One of our technicians will then help you lie down on the table. Patients usually do not remove their clothing, but bulky items, such as a coat, may need to be removed.

The table’s rollers and vibration help to knead and relax muscles in your neck, shoulders, and lower back. There is a controller that allows you to adjust the table to your comfort level. Most patients find this part of the process very enjoyable.

The next step for many patients is relatively painless electrotherapy in the area of your pain or injury. Even though it sounds intense, we use quick and gentle pulses of electricity to engage and stimulate your muscles. We will apply stimulator pads directly to your skin, so your clothing may need to be moved (such as lifting your shirt) to allow our technician access to the treatment area.

When your doctor comes in, he or she will perform a check of your spine using a tool, such as an activator. This helps your doctor apply gentle and controlled pressure to your spine and extremities. You may hear a loud popping sound from the spring inside the tool as the doctor works up and down your spine. Manual adjustments may be performed at this time. At any point in the process, we will be happy to answer any questions that you may have or to explain your treatment.

After your visit, you will stop by the front desk and schedule any additional appointments with our receptionist. Unless you are a self-pay patient, you will likely owe us nothing.

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